
Middle School Blogs

Unit 2 What Matters
Unit 2 A Starry Home
A compelling argument changed my opinion.
Unit 1 Generations
How do norms and responsibilities help us coexist with others?
8th grade Physical Science: Digestion

Students learn that the small intestine is divided into three parts. The first segment is the duodenum, the second segment is the jejunum, and the third segment is the ileum. The duodenum receives digestive enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder. These substances aid digestion by breaking down certain food particles. Most absorption […]


Unit 2 What Matters
Unit 2 A Starry Home
A compelling argument changed my opinion.
Unit 1 Generations
How do norms and responsibilities help us coexist with others?
8th grade Physical Science: Digestion

Students learn that the small intestine is divided into three parts. The first segment is the duodenum, the second segment is the jejunum, and the third segment is the ileum. The duodenum receives digestive enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder. These substances aid digestion by breaking down certain food particles. Most absorption […]

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