
Thank you 1st graders…

Thank you 1st graders…

Dear 1st Graders:


In first Place, I want to wish you a great vacation. However, the importance of this letter is to thank you.

Thank you for making me the teacher I am today and that is only because even when I gave classes to you I actually learned much more from you than you from me.


Thanks to the crazy things, you did every day. Thanks to Fernando for his great fun facts about everything. To Ferran and Marlon for their particular views on everything, for telling me about your lives and your families.

 Andres thank you for asking me to show more music and always asking me what song Am I playing. These always were The Killers, or Tame Impala,. Please wait a little bit and you can listen to Metallica, not yet.

Thanks to Dani for being so sweet and for always, wait for Diana to come from the cafeteria.

Thanks Alessia for your honesty and responsibility and for always thing the best from me.

Diana… I always will be willing to braid your hair.

Angel thanks for your responsibility and your effort to be better all the time.

Cristina Thanks for always ask me to sit next to you and for always ask me for my daughter and say how beautiful you think she is.

Aisha and Gabriel thanks for never giving up and for showing me that different is good and that, we have to be proud to be exactly who we are.

Thanks for teaching me a lot and I feel so lucky that you let me be your teacher.


With Love,                         Miss Carolina ,-