
Let’s make our own rocket ship!

Let’s make our own rocket ship!

Today, we embarked on an exciting culinary journey that took us beyond the stars and into the universe of taste and imagination. Our little chefs delved into the world of food artistry.

Rocket Ship Ingredients:

  • Fresh and juicy strawberries
  • Fluffy marshmallows
  • Sweet and refreshing melon slices

We began by crafting the rocket body using a ripe melon slice as our base. The melon acted as a sturdy foundation for our rocket ship and as the rocket’s boosters, attaching them securely to the bottom. With the help of some toothpicks, we attached strawberries to the top, and marshmallows creating the body of our rocket.

The children’s faces lit up with excitement as they realized they were creating a rocket ship out of delicious ingredients!

The childrens’ creativity soared to new heights today as they designed their unique rocket ships.