


In science we’ve begun to explore electrical circuits, and what they must have in order to be complete.

One of our fourth grade science standards states that students must investigate, construct, and describe simple electrical circuits.

Students had their first hands-on experience in building electric circuits as part of their Electricity and Energy transformations unit.  They brought a battery, wire, a small light bulb, a socket and a switch, then they were told to make the bulb turn on.

All groups were able to figure it out without my guidance and eventually successful in turning on the light. It’s always fun to hear their conversations as they make their cases for why their way will be successful. Most groups figured out they didn’t even need the extra wire!

After they finished, we discussed what parts an electrical circuit needs to be complete. It must have a power source, conductor, something that needs the power, then finally the circuit must be closed.

The amount of energy in the room was contagious and we met our learning target!

Here are some pics…